Tips For Better Search Results
- Do not type 'XXX XXX Company
Limited'. Instead, please enter 'XXX XXX Co Ltd'. But, when the name begins with 'Company', please type ' Company XXX Co Ltd.'
- Uppercase / lowercase
does not matter.
- For better search
results, you are advised to enter partial name of the search
Subject. For example : Beautiful Island International
Investments Co Ltd, you better enter "Beautiful Island
- For a personal name
search, always put the surname first.
For a foreigner's name search, please try more combinations.
For example : Clinton William or William Clinton.
- All the company name in
our database are skipped with punctuation marks. You can search
your name with or without punctuation marks. The accuracy is not
affected. For example : When you search Happy Happy
(International) Ltd, the result "Happy Happy International
Ltd" will appear.